
How To Propose To A Girl 21 Original Ways

If you opened this article, then most likely you are tormented by one question: “How to propose to a girl?”. This is a very important stage in the life of every man, as it is the first step towards creating his own family. Therefore, you simply have to make sure that your proposal is remembered by your soul mate for life (in the good sense of the word, of course :)).


HowTo Make A Marriage Proposal Photo

A lot of girls dream of a beautiful declaration of love and an unforgettable marriage proposal from their boyfriend. They dream, dream .. and in the end, they receive an offer: “Let’s live together”, “Move to me”, “Let’s sign”, “Well, since you are pregnant, then we will get married”, “Let’s get married”. There is absolutely no romance! It’s a pity because this moment should be one of the most unforgettable in my life.

21 original ways to propose beautifully What not to do when you propose to your girlfriend:

  • you can’t make an offer “as if by the way”, on the go;
  • you can’t offer to get married when you are in a state of intoxication – by doing this you show disrespect for your girlfriend;
  • it is impossible to chew, listen to music or otherwise be distracted by extraneous matters during the offer;
  • never propose to your girlfriend over the phone;
  • do not try to propose to your chosen one after having sex, in bed;
  • it is advisable not to make a show out of the proposal – many girls do not like too much attention to themselves at such moments. So, if you still decide to do something enchanting, for example, to propose on the air of some television show – think 100 times over it;
  • hiding the ring in food is already a hackneyed idea. Yes, and a girl can, after such an evening, get into a chair to the dentist;
  • if your girlfriend is not a fan of any sports game, do not try to propose at the stadium;
  • don’t propose marriage in front of her entire family. For your soul mate, this will only result in extra stress;
  • if your girlfriend did not immediately answer “Yes”, but said “I will think about it”, do not
  • make a tragedy out of this and do not express your complaints to her. For her, this is a very important decision in life and she is not obliged to immediately answer you with her consent;
    do not propose if you are not 120% sure of your girlfriend!


Propose To Your Beloved Before You Propose To Your Girlfriend, You Must:

  • Talk to your lover about a possible life together.
  • You must be sure that both of you want it and that you don’t have any disagreements about your future (living with your parents or separately, having children right away or in a couple of years, etc.).
  • Inform the girl’s parents.
  • Note that you must inform them, not ask for their permission.
  • After all, you live with the girl, not her parents, so even if they don’t particularly approve of your marriage, you don’t have to listen to their opinion.
  • By talking to your parents, you will not only show your good upbringing but also express your respect for them.

Pick Your Own Ring.

  • Make a plan. If you can’t come up with anything original, we advise you to contact special agencies for organizing marriage proposals.
  • Here is a link to one of the verified agencies.
    You should pick up a ring without the participation of a potential bride.
  • It is very important not to miscalculate the size and appearance of the ring. How to determine the size of the ring on the finger, we will definitely tell you in the next article.
  • But in order to pick up a ring that would be to the taste of your chosen one, you will have to sweat a little.

To do this, ask what rings your girlfriend likes the most, for this you can “accidentally” walk past a jewelry store window and ask her about it. You can also involve your mother, sister, or girl’s best friend in choosing a ring.


What A Beautiful Proposal

Be sure to think through all the little things: in what place will you propose marriage, on what day (you don’t need to propose on those days when your beloved is loaded with other problems), what you will tell your beloved, how you will hide the ring, etc.

1. Choose a beautiful restaurant, and agree in advance with its administrator about the upcoming event. Plan everything with him down to the smallest detail: when you enter the restaurant with your soulmate, what food will be served, how many candles will be and where they will stand when the necessary music will play when you need to turn off the lights. Well, then, in such a romantic atmosphere, it will be possible to get on one knee, get a ring and make a marriage proposal.

2. The version with dolphins will be very original (if, of course, there is a dolphinarium in your city :)). Swim with your girlfriend along with the dolphins, and then, when she gets out of the water, distract her for a minute, and at that time a dolphin will swim up from behind with a box on her nose. When the girl sees this miracle, propose to her.

3. There is another option, but it is a bit dangerous. You need to fly to your beloved .. by helicopter, propose, and take her to some beautiful place where you can relax for a few days.

4. A “school option” is also possible. At night, you write the phrase “Marry me” on the pavement outside her window, and in the morning, when the girl wakes up, come to her with a huge bouquet of flowers and shout to the whole yard about your feelings for her.

5. You can make an intriguing birthday present. To do this, you must hide the box with the ring in several boxes nested in each other. Imagine with what impatience your girlfriend will open this box-matryoshka until she reaches the most important gift!

6. An offer to your beloved girl can be made for the New Year or Valentine’s Day. On such days all dreams should come true. It will be generally chic if you do it high in the mountains, inhaling the fresh fragrant air. Such an offer will certainly be remembered much more than an offer in the same restaurant.

7. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Well, fulfill the dream of your beloved: you are a prince, and the only thing left is to find a white horse. Imagine how surprised your girlfriend will be when she sees such a rider! Well, if you can find a knight’s suit, then success is 100% guaranteed.

8. If you like skating, take your girlfriend to the skating rink, and you yourself leave for a minute and tell the whole arena about your feelings for her on the speakerphone!

9. Unforgettable will be a marriage proposal on the roof of a 9-story building (if you can find a higher building, it will be even better :)).

Bring a table, champagne, sweets, don’t forget flowers and a ring. Quite a real and original proposal.

10. Arrange with your work (or institute) partners to bring a letter to your girlfriend in which you would write to her about your feelings. When she reads it to the end, you go in yourself and ask her a question.

11. Offer your soulmate to go on vacation for a week in another country. There, in a romantic setting, it will not be difficult to propose :).

12. Invite her to the place where you first met. Take sweets, and champagne with you and propose to her.

13. On New Year’s Eve, hang a box with a ring on the tree and tell your future wife that you have prepared for her a small gift that she will find on the tree.

14. Rent a balloon. In the evening, at sunset, high in the sky, tell your girlfriend that you love her very much and cannot imagine your life without her, and ask her to marry you.

15. Consider putting your photo on T-shirts. You can learn about applying to T-shirts on the Texprint website.

16. Make a video in which you tell a girl how you feel. Arrange with the administration of the cinema to show this video before the movie starts. Don’t forget to come to the movie with the girl a little earlier so as not to miss your video :).

17. In the evening, on the seashore, write a marriage proposal on the sand. Spread a blanket on the sand, cover a romantic dinner, and invite your girlfriend to see this beauty. The best time to propose is at sunset.

18. Offer to give her a foot massage and discreetly put your toe on the ring.

19. If you are in the village, you can leave a note to your beloved, in which the place of your meeting will be assigned (it is desirable that this place be a gazebo on the shore of a lake or river).

20. If you live together, then write a marriage proposal on your stomach, putting a box on top with a ring and a note “Sunny, if you agree, wake me up :)”

21. If your significant other loves adventure, you can do the following. You send your beloved a message saying that you are waiting for her at the entrance in 5 minutes. She gets out, but instead of you she sees your friend with a bouquet of flowers and a note that says: “Get on such and such a bus and go there.”

She arrives there and sees another friend of yours with a clue. And so on. It turns out a kind of quest, at the end of which she will meet you with an offer to marry you. Download the latest Trendy Medium Haircuts For Women’s 2023.

In conclusion, I would like to say: it is not as important as proposing to a girl, what is more, important is what feelings you have for each other! With a loved one, as they say, and paradise in a hut! For more information visit our website.