Top 10 Beautiful and Livable Cities

Top 10 Beautiful & Livable Cities In The World 2023

Top 10 beautiful livable cities Every year, analysts compile a list of the best cities for emigration, based on indicators of the economic, political, and crime situation, the level of medical care, infrastructure development, and even environmental friendliness. And today we will be happy to tell you about ten cities that are the best for foreigners to live in.

Top 10 beautiful livable cities Where is better?

Top 10 beautiful livable cities In addition to analyzing the main indicators, experts also interview tens of thousands of migrants who share their impressions of life in one or another part of the world. For several years in a row, the leaders in the list were the cities of Europe, but this time the leading positions went to Asians.

Tai Bay, Taiwan:

Tai Bay, Taiwan

He took first place due to the fact that all indicators for evaluation were at about the same level. 96% of migrants confirm that Tai Bay is very safe, and the local population is quite friendly to everyone, regardless of whether you are an ex-pat or not.

The only disadvantage that respondents pointed out was the quality of medical care.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:

A distinctive feature of Kuala Lumpur is affordable housing. 80% of respondents are quite satisfied with their work and see career prospects.

A great option for those who love heat, thunderstorms, and nature. In addition, the capital of Malaysia has many incredibly beautiful parks with exotic plants and feathered inhabitants.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam:

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh is called a financial paradise. It is easy to find a job here, and if you have an education in your specialty, then a fairly well-paid one.

Many ex-pats claim that this Vietnamese city has incredible people, who are always ready to help.

The overall favorable situation is worsened by the language barrier and the ecological situation. Almost ¾ of visitors agree that learning the local language is quite difficult, and the problem of a large amount of garbage needs to be addressed.


Singapore is one of the most developed cities in the world. The level of corruption here is very low, and the opportunities for doing business are extensive.

Here you can feel the mix of life of different nations, but to move here, you need a financial base. Although the police are not visible, they keep order with the help of numerous cameras. Therefore, the police respond to incidents within 15 minutes.

Montreal, Canada:

Montreal, Canada

Montreal is multinational. Young people from all over the world come here to enter McGill University, which is one of the top 30 educational institutions in the world.

To communicate with the locals, it is enough to know one of the languages ​​- French or English.

Due to a large number of people of different nationalities, there are almost never cases of intolerance towards another language, religion, or other political views in Montreal.

Another plus is a high level of security and a measured pace of life.

Lisbon, Portugal:

Lisbon is very promising. The city is actively growing and developing. It is not very easy to find a good job here, but during the high season the tourism industry is especially in demand, so you can definitely find a part-time job.

In addition, there are offices of many outsourcing companies in Lisbon, where you can get to work. They always need native speakers of different languages ​​or specialists who speak them confidently.

In this case, the salary can fluctuate between 1000-1200 euros, with an average salary in the city of 600-800 euros/month.

We recommend reading an article about the pros and cons of living in a big city.

Barcelona, ​​Spain:

Barcelona, ​​Spain

The capital of Catalonia is very beautiful. In addition, no slush or cold. In winter, daytime temperatures fluctuate between + 10- + 15 degrees.

Friendly locals are always happy to help visitors, give useful advice and make friends with pleasure.

But before you move, take care of the availability of a job (it is best to send a resume in January-February and September-October), otherwise, it will be difficult to pay for housing.

Zug, Switzerland:

It is the city that offers ex-pats the highest standard of living in the world. Almost everyone who moved to live in Zug is completely satisfied with its transport, environmental conditions, and personal safety.

Expats even ranked Zug number one in terms of the health of the local economy.

The only difficulty that visitors have to deal with is the attitude of local residents. It is, unfortunately, not always friendly.

The Hague, Netherlands:

The Hague, Netherlands:

The Netherlands is known as one of the most liberal countries in the world. The most demanded here are representatives of such professions as IT specialists and employees of the financial and tax spheres.

If ex-pats manage to get such a job, then there will be significant tax discounts for them and the process of obtaining a visa will be greatly simplified.

Basel, Switzerland:

35% of Basel residents are foreigners. The city is famous for its pharmaceutical and chemical industries and a large number of cultural sites (including as many as 40 museums).

And in order to solve the problem of integrating foreigners into the local environment, there is a special organization “Basel Connect”. For More Interesting Information Visit Our Site

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