spring cleaning tips

Spring Cleaning 7 Tips For Home and Apartment

The sun is already warming outside, the rooms have become sunny and cozy. It’s time to prepare your home for the new season! And traditional decluttering and general spring cleaning will help with this.

Spring Cleaning

How to start spring cleaning

Of course, with the conviction of all family members that you need it. No planned cleaning will be effective if everything returns to its place by the evening. Therefore, we arm ourselves with the necessary equipment, and a great desire and move in small steps towards total decluttering!

1: Throw away the excess

Even if you are a fan of reasonable consumption, you will still find unnecessary things. Start by sorting through your wardrobe: Throw out clothes that are in bad condition and things that have not been worn in a long time, and organize your wardrobe for the warm season.

Remove excess in all rooms: bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, nursery. Jars stored up until better times, broken colanders and battered towels, send to the scrap.

2: Consider storage space

Once you’ve disposed of what you don’t need, decide where you can store what you need. The proper organization allows you to save space and reduce the time of scheduled cleaning. Take on arms:

  • A variety of baskets (from wicker, fabric, and plastic). Put small things in them. Place the most unclaimed items higher/further, and the most in-demand items closer/lower. Large containers with snap-on lids are suitable as organizers.
  • Dividers for boxes. Zone deep drawers with dividers: especially useful for underwear and socks, as well as for the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Used cardboard boxes from equipment are useful for storing things that are in demand seasonally. For example, Christmas decorations or Halloween decor. They take up very little space in boxes.
  • Hooks and hangers. Get a housekeeper, put a small basket on the bedside table in the hallway, and hang hooks: this will help unload the surfaces.

When all things are laid out in their places, you can begin to remove dirt and restore order.

3: cleaning

The phased organization of general cleaning helps to avoid the “ snowball ” phenomenon, when one thing clings to another, and there is no end in sight to the event.

A large family is a definite plus. Involve everyone in the cleaning: the children can sort their toys and dust, and the husband can vacuum or clean the kitchen surfaces. The more hands, the faster you clean up.

General spring cleaning of the apartment

To make seasonal cleaning easier

 spring cleaning tips for apartments

  • clean dirt everywhere. Move the furniture away, climb into the far corners, walk through all the cracks and secluded places that you always left for later;
  • take out the trash right away, without plunging into nostalgia. Stock up on garbage bags: you will need a lot of them;
  • window cleaning hacks. In skyscrapers, special composite brushes are useful, and if the design of the windows allows, you can wash them by hand. First, remove dirt with a cleaning agent, then wipe with a soft cloth and polish dry with a microfiber cloth/newspaper/paper towel. It is better to wash windows in sunny weather: this way stains will be visible immediately;
  • don’t forget the balcony! The temptation is great to remove all unnecessary there. But it is better to put things in order on the balcony, turning it into a tea-drinking area on a warm spring day. Now you can find stylish compact furniture that will fit on standard balconies;
  • how to get rid of dust? No way – one way or another it will appear. But you can make cleaning easier for yourself by throwing away the trash that prevents you from wiping it.

What tools and equipment are needed for cleaning

Each family has its means of maintaining cleanliness. Someone has a robot vacuum cleaner, and someone trusts only himself. Needed:

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  • Vacuum cleaner, mop, floor mop.
  • A few soft cloths for dusting, and wiping windows.
  • Sponges and rags for kitchen surfaces.
  • Household chemicals.

This means for removing grease, soot, and cleaning glass will significantly reduce the time and effort when cleaning. Be careful when working with chemicals and be sure to read the instructions!

Cleaning in a private house

To all the stages already passed in a private house, cleaning of the local area is also added. I want to go outside and see the improved area, so we get down to business:

  • We collect all household garbage that has been blown away by the wind.
  • We take out the remains of last year’s leaves.
  • We declutter the yard (we hide garden tools in storage places).
  • We clean the threshold (we sweep and pour water to beat the dust).
  • If desired, we plant annual or perennial plants and cut dry tree branches.

Depending on the arrangement of the yard, it may be necessary to clean the tiles/paths.

Simple tips to keep your home clean

Thanks to modern tools, cleaning is not as difficult as it seems. Simplicity and convenience are combined in the FLY lady decluttering system (and not only).

It is important to remember the maxim: it is clean not where they clean, but where they do not litter. Teach everyone in the family and yourself to do light cleaning every day instead of relying on a weekly marathon.

Simple tips to keep your home clean

Cleanliness is made up of little things: from washed dishes to a tidy hallway, and sometimes it takes not so much effort to maintain it. The better you organize mini-cleaning every day, the less time you will take seasonal decluttering.


How often should I do spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning is typically done once a year, ideally during the transition from winter to spring. However, the frequency can vary depending on your preferences and the level of cleanliness you desire for your living space.

What are some eco-friendly cleaning products I can use?

There are several eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products available in the market. Some options include vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide. These natural ingredients can effectively clean and disinfect various surfaces without harmful chemicals.

Can I hire professional cleaners for spring cleaning?

Yes, you can certainly hire professional cleaners for spring cleaning. Hiring professionals can be a convenient option if you have a busy schedule or if you prefer to have experts handle the deep cleaning tasks. Just ensure that you choose a reputable cleaning service.

How long does spring cleaning typically take?

The duration of spring cleaning depends on the size of your home or apartment, the level of clutter, and the tasks involved. It can range from a few hours to several days. Breaking down the tasks into smaller chunks and following a schedule or checklist can help manage the time effectively.

Are there any benefits to hiring a cleaning service for spring cleaning?

Hiring a cleaning service for spring cleaning has its advantages. Professional cleaners have the expertise, equipment, and experience to tackle deep cleaning tasks efficiently. They can save you time and ensure a thorough and meticulous cleaning, leaving your home or apartment looking its best.