How to Store Summer Things

How to Store Summer Things? 5 Storage tips and tricks

The hot summer is over, so it’s time to get ready for the season of warm and voluminous things. And so that summer clothes do not interfere with the search for your favorite sweater, you need to put them away. Seems easier said than done. Therefore has prepared some useful life hacks on how to organize the storage of summer things in a new way!

Sort and Declutter Summer Items

Sort and Declutter Summer Items

Step 1: iterate and sort

Gather all your summer clothes in one place. Then sort it into groups: separately top, bottom, and swimwear. Check the condition of each item: we wash the dirty, we repair something, we try it on, and sort it. How to understand that the thing is stale in the closet:

  • Over the past season you have never put it on;
  • You save it for a special occasion, but when it comes, you put on something else;
  • The thing is small or big for you, but nostalgia and sentimentality do not allow you to get rid of it.

Good outfits can be given to acquaintances and friends, sold, or handed over to a thrift store. We hand over bad things for processing or let them go to rags. If you can’t find a place where they take used clothes, put them in a clean bag and leave them near the trash can.

Seasonal sorting has several advantages at once:

  • Frees up space in the closet;
  • There is an opportunity to review the wardrobe and understand what things are missing (after all, when the shelves are full, we put off the purchase with the thought “I kind of have this,” even if it’s something really needed);
  • In stores you can take things at a discount – you get a nice savings on preparation for the next season.

And by giving good things second-hand or to charity, you also help people in need to update their wardrobes.

Stage 2: Store Clothing and Accessories

Congratulations, you’ve made it through the hardest part! Now we prepare the wardrobe for storage:

Store Clothing and Accessories

  • Look through your pockets.
  • Wash things.
  • If you don’t know how to wash something properly, take it to the dry cleaner.
  • Dry.
  • Iron is what needs to be ironed.

When things are clean and ironed, you need to decide on the principle of sorting. It is convenient for someone to sort clothes by color, for someone – by demand, and someone lays out things according to purpose or materials.

Stage 3: prepare a place to Store Summer Things

The general principle of wardrobe organization is to shift the actual closer/lower than the irrelevant. For the winter, we put summer clothes on the upper or farthest shelves, on the mezzanine, or in the bed niche. But before that, go over the surfaces with a damp cloth to remove dust from them.

For convenience, you can organize mini-sections for clothes. This will help you:

  • Organizers made of fabric, rattan, and plastic. You can also use unwanted shoe boxes.
  • Vacuum bags. Due to the absence of air, they take up much less space. Minus – if you need to get a thing, the vacuum will have to be broken, and then repack the clothes.
  • Covers for clothes. They are ideal for storing things from a fabric prone to sticking villi; white clothes so that the “neighbors” do not shed on them, or something made of natural fabric to protect it from snagging and lint. For convenience, make small tags: so the necessary thing will be found faster.
  • Hangers. Now there are regular and thin, and options with an anti-slip coating.

We advise once and for all to determine the “place of residence” for different categories of clothing. For example, T-shirts are stacked on the shelf to the left, all blouses hang to the right, etc. This makes it much easier to keep order and regulate the amount of clothes in the wardrobe.

How to store summer things

Divide all the clothes into categories and arrange them, following these simple tips:

  • T-shirts, sweatshirts, tops, shirts, skirts, and shorts made of light synthetic materials can be folded 4 times. They rarely wrinkle, so you should not worry about them;
  • Knitwear and dense fabrics are optimally folded on shelves and in boxes;
  • Clothing made from natural materials should not be wrapped several times. For example, linen items are best stored on hangers or as unfolded as possible in a box;
  • Suits, dresses, and clothes made of light, wrinkled fabric are stored only on hangers! One hanger is assigned to one thing, we always hang the set together;
  • Try the KonMari vertical storage method. Fold things not in piles one on one, but in a row with an edge, making an impromptu “file cabinet”. Then all the clothes will be in your sight, and when you get one thing, it will not violate the general order.

To complete the organization of the wardrobe, you can unfold the sachets – aromatic pouches will give things a pleasant smell in an enclosed space. Read more on the topic in the article “How to get rid of the Smell in the Closet”.

You can also get How to Clean Upholstered Furniture: 6 Tips & Tricks

How to store summer shoes in winter

You will also have to work with shoes:

  • Examine all couples. Eliminate defects or throw them away if you are completely thin.
  • Wash and clean the shoes: both the sole and the upper part. Some sneakers are machine washable.
  • Dry well. In no case do not fold wet shoes: mold will start in them!
  • Spray closed shoes with shoe deodorant, and open shoes can be treated with leather or fabric formulations.

How to store summer shoes in winter

When storing in bags, it is worth using shape holders that will not allow the shoes to deform. In extreme cases, replace them with crumpled paper.

Summer shoes are stored in their own boxes in winter, which are put in a niche under the bed or on the lower shelves of the closet.

Often use special wardrobe trunks.

Instead, large plastic boxes are quite suitable. It is advisable to shift the pairs with a cloth and cover them so that they do not become dusty.

A good option is to store shoes on shelves.

FAQs of Store Summer Things:

Q1. Should I wash my summer clothing before storing them?

Yes, it’s important to wash your summer clothing before storing them. This helps remove any dirt, sweat, or stains that may attract pests or cause damage during storage.

Q2. Can I store summer items in plastic bags?

Plastic bags are not the best option for long-term storage as they can trap moisture and promote the growth of mold and mildew. It’s recommended to use sturdy, waterproof containers instead.

Q3. How do I prevent mold and mildew in storage containers?

To prevent mold and mildew, ensure that the items you are storing are completely dry before packing them. You can also add moisture-absorbing products like silica gel packets or moisture absorbers to the containers.

Q4. Should I disassemble outdoor furniture before storing it?

If possible, disassembling outdoor furniture can save space and make it easier to store. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembly and keep all the screws, nuts, and bolts in a labeled bag to avoid losing them.