Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex

10 Obvious Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex

In this article we’ll explore 10 Obvious Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex in detail. It can take up to 6 months for a person to get over a breakup and deal with broken heart syndrome. This data has been provided by studies. But sometimes much more time has passed and there seem to be new relationships, but feelings for the former still do not let go.

And the most painful is the one who ended up in a relationship “third wheel”. How to understand that your man still loves his ex – MedAboutMe will tell.

Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex

1. He Keeps Talking to Her.

If your beloved man has children from a previous relationship, there will always be a topic for a conversation with the former. And that’s okay! It is important not to interfere with his communication with children. They are not to blame for the fact that the paths of adults diverged. So, this first sign in signs your man still loves this ex.

Another thing is if the man has no reason to communicate with the former, but he continues to call her and take an interest in her affairs. Most likely, his feelings have not yet faded away, and somewhere inside the desire to renew the relationship is smoldering.

2. Remembers Her Name too often:

In Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex Remember her name too often is second act. There is nothing reprehensible in remembering the experience of past relationships. After all, they learn from mistakes. In addition, this is a good reason to talk about your likes and dislikes – about what you like in a relationship and what you absolutely don’t.

But if the name of the former pops up in a conversation when it is not necessary, this is an occasion to think. Especially if a man often compares you with her. In her favor, of course.

3. He carefully stores gifts from her:

He carefully stores gifts from her

If a man still has cute souvenirs given by her at home, or he wears an old T-shirt that she once chose with him, this is a reason to think – is there really nothing else between them?

No one says that practical things should be thrown away – like a washing machine, coffee maker or chainsaw, these items serve their owner and are useful. But souvenirs are not of practical use and are needed only for memory. The question is, why does he need something that reminds him of her?

Did you know?
Thinking about an ex can be helpful. So say scientists who published the results of their study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

They found that when people reminisced about the breakup from time to time, they felt like a separate person, their self-esteem increased and they recovered faster compared to those who avoided remembering the recent breakup.

4. He has dozens of photos of her on his phone:

When you meet someone, you want to capture the most joyful moments of intimacy on camera, so dozens of monotonous photos appear on your phone. But if the relationship is broken, the natural desire is to remove it all. Most of the photos are reminiscent of an ex-partner and can step on a sore spot.

If your man still has entire archives with her, he may still cling to the little thread that connects him to his ex and hopes that the situation will change and they will be together again.

5. He looks at her social media page Because Man Still Loves His Ex:

Trust is very important in a relationship. And it’s hardly a good idea to follow a man’s life on social media. But if you are his friend and his “likes” slip through your feed, put on her posts and photos, perhaps this is an occasion to start a frank conversation. Ask him if the relationship with her ended?

6. He’s mad that his ex is dating someone:

… or can name 10 reasons why her new boyfriend is not the right fit for her. All these are echoes of jealousy. If nothing connects with a person, it is unlikely that news about him will cause vivid emotions.

Did you know?
There is one phenomenon in the psychology of experiencing breakups. People usually break up when the bad in a relationship outweighs the good. But after parting, they often remember the good, and therefore they yearn and feel sad.

7. They meet often:

Long-term relationships don’t go unnoticed. Former lovers often remain friends and can communicate with each other. But that doesn’t mean they have to keep dating. If a man is looking for reasons to meet or does not refuse offers to get out somewhere “for old times’ sake”, this is suggestive. Especially if he already has a new relationship.

Every couple has their own “honeymoon” – a time when lovers can not tear themselves away from each other. If your pair does not have this, or the man prefers it, it may be worth stopping playing the third “on the hook.”

8. He still hangs out with his ex’s family.

If a man has been friends with his ex’s family since childhood, since he grew up somewhere nearby and often talked with her parents, continuing to communicate after breaking up is normal. And nothing bad will happen if he goes to her brother’s birthday or congratulates him on a housewarming.

He still hangs out with his ex's family

Another thing is when such relations did not exist and do not exist. Continued communication with her parents and playing in a strong family is alarming. A man who has all the dots over the “I” has no need and desire to spend resources on her relatives. This does not mean that at the meeting he will not communicate with her family, but he will not initiate calls and meetings.

9. He Can’t tell Exactly How He Feels About You?

Usually, a man who cannot forget his ex does not shower his new lover with compliments does not talk about how dear she is to him, and does not look for free minutes to meet her.

He will consider that “a simple manifestation of sympathy” is enough and will answer frank questions that actions speak for themselves. So because he himself cannot decide on his feelings and all his thoughts are still occupied by the former.

On a note!
One of the key conditions for a happy relationship is the ability to rejoice in the success of another. If a man does not share your joy, most likely, he is simply not interested in you.

10. He is afraid of talking about the future.

If in the future you see yourself as a couple, and he describes even the immediate prospects very vaguely, this is not because he is “frivolous” and lives one day. Most likely, you are simply not in his future.

And then a natural question arises, is it worth staying with such a man here and now?

After all, while you spend precious minutes of your life on him, perhaps somewhere nearby is a person who is looking for you. And with him, you will definitely succeed!

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Expert comment..!
Olga Eliseeva, psychologist

Before you decide for yourself whether your man loves his ex, you need to understand why you need to know this, and what will you do with this knowledge?

Olga Eliseeva, psychologist

Even if you realize that this is the case, you have a choice – to admit it and move on with your loved one or leave. But remember, sometimes even the person himself does not know if he loves for sure or has already forgotten.

Obvious Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex:

  • He continues his relationship with her. And this is the relationship of a man and a woman – flirting, flirting, emotions, jealousy.
  • If there is a choice between you and another person, he chooses another – we always make a choice in favor of the one who is more important to us.
  • He often talks about her and about past relationships – we talk about what excites and worries us.
  • Less than 1 year has passed since the long-term relationship (from 3 years, but sometimes the relationship is shorter, but was significant). Any break in relations is a loss, it is lived from 1 to 3 years as a standard for everyone.

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