Book of Enoch

Book of Enoch Why Christians Reject: Unveiling the Reasons

Book of Enoch is an ancient text that has garnered attention and curiosity in recent times. However, Christians generally discourage reading it and do not consider it part of the biblical canon. In this article, we will delve into the Book of Enoch, examining its content, its relationship with the Bible, and why Christians stay away from it. By understanding the Christian perspective and the reasons behind the rejection of this book, we can gain insight into its place in the Christian faith.

Table of Contents

why stay away from the book of enoch

What is the Book of Enoch and Why Should Christians Stay Away from It?

Explanation of the Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is a collection of writings attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. It delves into topics such as heavenly visions, angelic encounters, and cosmic events. While it contains intriguing narratives, Christians caution against considering it authoritative scripture.

The Book of Enoch was Removed from the Bible

The Book of Enoch was not included in the biblical canon due to concerns surrounding its content and origins. Early Christian leaders decided against its inclusion, as it deviated from the teachings of the Bible and was written long after the time it claims to describe.

Christians Reject the Book of Enoch

Christianity has historically rejected the Book of Enoch for several reasons. The book contains content that contradicts biblical teachings, raises theological concerns, and lacks consensus on its authorship and dating. Christians prioritize the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, and non-canonical texts like the Book of Enoch are considered secondary.

Enoch in the Bible: Is There a Connection?

Examining the Mention of Enoch in Jude and Genesis

Enoch is briefly mentioned in the Bible, particularly in the book of Jude in the New Testament and the book of Genesis. However, the inclusion of these references does not imply that the Book of Enoch should be considered part of the biblical canon. It is important to differentiate between scriptural references and the canonicity of a text.

Why Enoch’s Book is not Considered Part of the Canon

The exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the biblical canon stems from theological, doctrinal, and historical concerns. Christian leaders carefully selected texts that aligned with their understanding of God’s revelation, and Enoch’s book did not meet these criteria. Scholars and theologians have examined the book’s content and historical context, reinforcing its non-canonical status.

The Book of Enoch: Should Christians Read It?

The Content and Themes of the Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch contains diverse themes, including cosmology, angelology, and eschatology. It offers unique perspectives on ancient Jewish beliefs. However, the book’s content diverges from biblical teachings, introducing concepts and narratives that are not found in the canonical scriptures.

Reasons Why Christians Discourage Reading the Book

Christians discourage reading the Book of Enoch due to concerns over its theological accuracy and potential misinterpretations. It was written long after the time it claims to describe, and its teachings can contradict the Bible’s message. Christians believe in staying rooted in the Bible, which they consider the inspired and authoritative Word of God.

Understanding the Christian Perspective

Why Christians Reject book of enoch

The Importance of Staying Focused on the Bible Alone

Christianity emphasizes the primacy of the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and guidance. By staying focused on the Bible, Christians ensure they are drawing wisdom from the authoritative Word of God, avoiding potential confusion or conflicting teachings from non-canonical texts like the Book of Enoch.

The Rejection of Non-Canonical Texts by Christians

Throughout history, Christians have rejected numerous texts that did not align with their understanding of God’s revelation. The process of forming the biblical canon involved careful discernment and criteria established by early Christian leaders. Non-canonical texts are not considered divinely inspired and do not hold the same authoritative status as the Bible.

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The Book of Enoch in Historical and Scholarly Context

The Popularity and Controversy Surrounding the Enochic Literature

In recent years, the Enochic Literature has gained popularity among certain individuals and groups seeking to explore ancient texts. However, its inclusion in popular culture does not alter its non-canonical status or negate the reasons behind its rejection by mainstream Christianity.

The Removal of the Enochic Literature from the Biblical Canon

The exclusion of the Enochic Literature from the biblical canon occurred during the early stages of Christianity. The decision was influenced by concerns over its content, theological discrepancies, and its origins being significantly later than the events it claims to describe. Early Christian leaders established the canon based on their understanding of God’s revelation.

Exploring Different Views on the Enochic Literature

The Use of the Enochic Literature in Some Churches

While most Christian denominations reject the Enochic Literature, it has found some usage in certain churches and religious communities. However, this remains a minority perspective, and the book’s usage is not representative of mainstream Christian belief.

Scholars’ Perspectives on the Book of Enoch

Scholars have extensively studied the Book of Enoch, analyzing its content, historical context, and relationship with the Bible. Their perspectives vary, but the consensus acknowledges the book’s non-canonical status and raises scholarly debates concerning authorship, dating, and theological implications.

Why do Christians Reject the Book of Enoch?

Theological and Doctrinal Concerns

Christianity upholds certain theological and doctrinal principles that guide the faith. Enoch’s book raises concerns among Christians due to its teachings conflicting with established biblical doctrines and introducing concepts that are not found in the canonical scriptures.

Lack of Consensus on the Authorship and Dating of the Book

Scholars and theologians debate the authorship and dating of the Book of Enoch. While tradition attributes it to Enoch himself, most scholars consider it a compilation of writings by different authors over several centuries. The lack of consensus regarding its origins adds to the skepticism surrounding its inclusion in the biblical canon.

Understanding the Bible’s Authority

The Bible as the Authoritative Word of God

Christianity views the Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. It contains God’s self-revelation, guiding believers in matters of faith and practice. The recognition of the Bible’s authority provides a solid foundation for Christians and guides their understanding of God’s will.

The Importance of Biblical Canon

The formation of the biblical canon was a deliberate process undertaken by early Christian leaders. They established criteria to determine which texts should be included, ensuring that the selected writings were divinely inspired and aligned with the core teachings of Christianity. Christians emphasize the significance of the biblical canon and its role in shaping their faith.

Evaluating the Book of Enoch

Analyzing the Book’s Claims and Teachings

Critical analysis of Enoch’s book involves examining its claims, teachings, and alignment with biblical theology. Scholars and theologians assess its content, considering the potential theological implications and discrepancies in light of established biblical doctrines.

Theological Considerations and Contradictions

The Enochic Literature introduces theological concepts and narratives that can contradict the teachings of the Bible. It is essential to evaluate these discrepancies and consider the implications they have on the understanding of Christian theology and doctrines.


The Enochic Literature, although intriguing to some, does not hold a place in the mainstream Christian faith. Its exclusion from the biblical canon is rooted in theological, doctrinal, and historical concerns. Christians prioritize the Bible as the authoritative Word of God and view non-canonical texts like the Enochic Literature as secondary.

In summary, the Book About Enoch is an ancient text attributed to Enoch, containing various accounts of heavenly visions and cosmic events. However, Christians stay away from it due to its non-canonical status, theological inconsistencies with the Bible, and potential misinterpretations. By understanding the Christian perspective and the reasons behind the rejection of this book, individuals can navigate their faith while staying grounded in the authoritative Word of God.

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Q1: Why was the Book of Enoch removed from the Bible?

A: The Book of Enoch was not included in the biblical canon because its content and origins raised concerns among early Christian leaders. It deviated from the teachings of the Bible and was written long after the time it claims to describe.

Q2: What does the Bible say about the Book of Enoch?

A: The Bible does not provide direct commentary on the Book about Enoch. However, the book of Jude in the New Testament quotes from Enoch’s book, suggesting that the author was familiar with it. This does not, however, imply that Enoch’s book should be considered part of the biblical canon.

Q3: What did God tell Enoch to do?

A: According to the Bible, God told Enoch to walk faithfully with Him (Genesis 5:22), and Enoch pleased God by his faith (Hebrews 11:5). The Book of Enoch contains additional details about Enoch’s visions and encounters with angels, but these are not found in the canonical scriptures.

Q4: Can we read the Book of Enoch?

A: While it is possible to read the Book about Enoch, it is important to approach it with caution and discernment. Christians generally discourage reading the book due to its non-canonical status, theological inconsistencies with the Bible, and potential misinterpretations.

Q5: Who really wrote Enoch’s book?

A: The authorship of the Book of Enoch is traditionally attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. However, scholars believe that the book was compiled and written by different authors over a period of time, possibly between the third century B.C. and the first century A.D.

Q6: Which Bible has the Book of Enoch?

A: Enoch’s book is not included in the traditional Christian Bible used by most denominations. However, it is considered part of the biblical canon in some Ethiopian Orthodox, Eritrean Orthodox, and Beta Israel Jewish communities.

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