Regular Neck Massage Procedure

Regular Neck Massage Benefits: Eliminate Tension Improve Posture

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of regular Neck Massage. Pain and discomfort in the neck are common complaints among people of all ages, especially among those working at a computer in a static posture. You can relieve discomfort in the neck and upper back with a massage. In this article, we will talk about how to properly massage the neck, and consider the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Regular Neck Massage Procedure

What is the benefit of Massage?

The massage procedure is not only pleasant but also, undoubtedly, very useful. However, it is worth noting that if we are talking about therapeutic massage, then it is best to trust this manipulation to specialists.

First of all, with the help of massage, it is possible to remove excess tone in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and neck, and improve blood flow, and metabolic processes in this area. All this helps to quickly relieve fatigue, and improve sleep. Also, this procedure is a great way to reduce the risk of diseases in the musculoskeletal system.

Massage of the cervical-collar zone helps to eliminate congestion, relieve pain after training, improve the functioning of internal organs, and generally relax the body.

Massage is useful for:

  • muscle tension and spasms;
  • prolonged stress on the shoulders, and neck;
  • insomnia and general fatigue;
  • headache;
  • some diseases of the cervical spine;
  • during the recovery period after injuries and so on.

In what cases it is impossible to carry out a neck massage?

First of all, this procedure is strictly prohibited in case of pathological mobility of the vertebrae in the cervical region, and the presence of hernial protrusions in this area. An incompletely healed fracture or a fresh neck injury, some forms of osteochondrosis are also a contraindication to massage.

It is necessary to refrain from massage in the presence of neoplasms or an inflammatory process in the neck, acute infectious processes, chronic somatic diseases during an exacerbation, blood clotting disorders, and skin pathologies in the neck.

We emphasize once again that it is possible to massage the cervical-collar region only as directed by a doctor, and it is best that this procedure is carried out by a specialist.

How to perform a neck massage?

There are many different options for massage of the cervical-collar area. Let’s talk about the most classic of them.

To begin with, the patient must be laid on a couch or seated on a chair, but so that the head has support. The next step is to apply a massage cream or oil. In the absence of contraindications, essential oils can be used, for example, bitter orange or lemon oil, which have an additional positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state, which was proven by scientists from the National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in a paper published in 2021.

The procedure begins with stroking from top to bottom. Then light rubbing with both hands is carried out in the same direction. The main massage technique is kneading, in which the tissues are captured and worked out with the fingers. The main rule is the absence of pain! After that, you can tap with your palms or fingers, and finish with stroking. For more interesting and useful information visit our website.

Regular neck massage is an effective way to eliminate tension and improve posture. The benefits of a neck massage go beyond relaxation and stress relief. Tension in the neck and shoulders can cause headaches, neck pain, and poor posture, which can lead to long-term health problems. A regular neck massage can help release muscle tension and reduce stress, resulting in improved circulation, better posture, and reduced pain. In addition, regular neck massages can help prevent injuries and promote overall well-being. By incorporating regular neck massage into your self-care routine, you can enjoy the many benefits that come with it.

In general, the massage of the cervical-collar zone should last about 20-30 minutes.

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