maintaining intimacy

Maintaining Intimacy In a Relationship After Having a Baby

In this article, we’ll discuss Maintaining intimacy after having a baby, with practical tips to help keep your relationship strong and passionate. The birth of a child is not only a great joy for a couple in love but also a test of strength for a relationship. Priorities are rearranged, roles change, freedom is lost and a whirlpool of responsibilities begins to swirl.

Maintaining intimacy in a relationship is crucial for building a strong bond with your partner. How to maintain intimacy in a couple and not let fatigue and everyday life destroy relationships? Tells MedAboutMe.

maintaining intimacy

How Do New Parents Feel?

People who have recently become parents, as a rule, sleep little and get very tired. Their tenderness and sensuality from each other are transferred to the child, and intimate relationships remain prohibited until the woman’s body is restored. It can be challenging to maintain intimacy after having a baby, but it’s essential to make time for each other.

But often the lack of intimacy is prolonged indefinitely, far beyond the physical recovery of the woman’s body. New worries lead to the emergence of distance and in the psycho-emotional plan.

But it is not the new life that is to blame, but the new circumstances that force the couple to change, and sacrifice themselves and their relationships in order to create better conditions for a new life. But does a child really need some kind of “ideal” conditions? Every couple should always have at least a little time for themselves.

Did you know?
According to statistics, 1.4 million children are born in this region every year.

How to Keep and Strengthen Love for Maintaining Intimacy?

The appearance of a child at home does not mean that the couple’s “honeymoon” is over. With the right approach, everything is just beginning.

Avoid Self-Isolation

Maintain Intimacy and Passion In a Relationship After Having a Baby

Many young couples after the birth of a baby try to do everything themselves as if demonstrating to others that they are independent and do not need anyone’s help. But good help is never superfluous.

If the grandparents or other close relatives of the child express a desire to spend some time with him, do not interfere with this. Use this time to relax and sleep, do hobbies or just walk.

Well, if it seems that there is no one around to help look after the children, consider maybe it is worth teaming up with another young couple and sometimes looking after each other’s children. Or maybe there is a kind neighbor who, for a small fee and the joy of communicating with a baby, will agree to help you?

Walk with your child:

While the child is small and sleeping in the stroller, the couple can take long walks with him. Quiet conversations that do not interfere with the baby’s sleep in any way will benefit lovers and help maintain sincerity in communication between them. Communication and quality time are essential elements in maintaining intimacy in a relationship. If you want to maintain intimacy in your relationship, it’s important to prioritize physical touch and affection.

The more a couple communicates, the less likely they are to move away from each other and become strangers.

Go on dates regularly

maintaining intimacy in a relationship

Try to plan your time so that at least one evening a week is free. Sometimes even 2-3 hours away from home and everyday life are enough to return the spark to the relationship and not lose love.

A small trip to the “big world”, where there are no baby diapers and diapers, will give the couple a feeling of freedom and relaxation and create ideal conditions for igniting passion. Try not just to go out and talk alone, but go out to people – attend interesting events and parties, and have fun at the birthdays of acquaintances and friends.

Did you know?
The average age of a woman at the birth of a baby in this region is 28 years and 10 months.

Do Something Together:

To maintain intimacy in a couple, it is not even necessary to get out of the house. You can do something together right in the house or apartment.

For example, play interesting board games or collect puzzles, watch exciting films cuddled under a blanket, or plan a vacation in warmer climes. And also – read books and discuss the news, listen to music and dance, cook a delicious dinner, and play sports.

The worst thing a couple can do after a baby is born is to look at their phones in different rooms and stop talking. With a little effort, you can find creative ways to maintain intimacy, such as sharing hobbies or taking on new experiences together.

Plan for moments of Physical intimacy:

For a while after giving birth, a woman may not want intimacy, but intimacy does not necessarily mean “total immersion.”

Hugs and kisses, relaxing massages, and pleasant compliments are enough to feel love and physical contact. Many couples underestimate the importance of these “little things,” but they are what happiness consists of.

Find Time For Yourself:

Everyone in the couple should also have some time for themselves: hobbies, phone calls, or just a cup of tea in silence. Every person needs time for himself, regardless of the degree of his workload or fatigue. This time is an important condition for maintaining a happy and lasting relationship in a couple.

By the way!
The ideal age for having a baby is 19-24 for men and 25-29 for women. Such data was shown by sociological surveys conducted in this Region.

Show More Attention:

After the birth of a child, new dads often complain that they feel “abandoned” because the woman gives all the time to the child. And if it can be difficult for a couple to find time for a date, paying a little more attention to each other is not difficult “in-between times.” Trust and vulnerability are also key components in maintaining intimacy and deepening your connection with your partner.

A woman can show concern and listen to him when he talks about difficulties at work and on a difficult day. And a man can sympathize with a woman after listening to her story about the whims of the baby and the inability to go anywhere. Acceptance of other problems, empathy, and support is all that are needed to feel needed.

You Value The Other’s Efforts:

When both a couple gets tired, they begin to compare and count who makes more effort for the family and the child. But this is a road to nowhere. It’s natural for intimacy to ebb and flow in a long-term relationship, but maintaining open and honest communication can help keep it strong. To maintain intimacy, make sure to listen to your partner’s needs and desires and make an effort to fulfill them.

A family is not a scoring competition, but an alliance in which each strives to make the life of the other better. Therefore, it is important to learn to appreciate what the other does for the family. Appreciation and gratitude go a long way in maintaining a relationship.

Keep Boundaries With Friends and Family:

After the birth of a baby, relatives and acquaintances, friends, and colleagues can suddenly burst into the life of a couple – coming at the wrong time, giving unsolicited advice, or demanding to communicate with them.

It is important to learn to keep your distance. For a healthy and happy relationship, the first place for a couple should be the two of them and the child, and only after that – everyone else.

Did you know?
Now the first wedding night really becomes the first in very rare cases. According to statistics, 67% of modern region consider sex before marriage to be normal.

Maintain a good mood:

No matter how hard the day is, no matter what happens outside the house, try to maintain a good mood – after all, you are a family, you are together, and a child is growing nearby. And in order to fix minor troubles – there is a whole life ahead. Remember that maintaining intimacy is a two-way street and requires effort from both partners. Don’t be afraid to seek help or counseling if you’re struggling to maintain intimacy in your relationship after having a baby.

Learn to be happy here and now!

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