Decluttering and Organizing

10 Ideas To Increase The Beauty Of Your House

Increase The Beauty Of Your House Recently, the house has become a whole universe for all of us. We sleep here, cook, eat, work, communicate, watch movies, read books and news, and so on day after day. Now is the time to pay attention to the space around, and do everything to make living in it even more pleasant. I propose to do this according to the formula “clear – organize – decorate.”

Increase The Beauty Of Your House

Increase The Beauty Of Your House

Each of us has our own “terrible corner”, and sometimes more than one. The same bottom drawer in the table, whatnot in the bathroom, the top shelf of the closet, the first aid kit, or any other place where junk accumulates. You may not be close to the idea of ​​​​minimalism, and I do not urge you to throw everything away, leaving only jeans, a cup, and a shirt. On the eve of the last move, I took with me only the most necessary and beloved and got a new amazing experience. It is very pleasant to live in an apartment where everything is in its place when everything is either just liked or used for its intended purpose.

A few tips for getting rid of excess

  1. Do not rush through the wardrobe, shoes in the hallway, and the kitchen at the same time. Grab one “hearth”, and when you’re done with one, you can move on to the next.
  2. Focuses” is better to alternate. For example, after a large-scale analysis of the closet, you can sort out a first-aid kit or a cosmetic bag.
  3. Think of a plan. Let’s say you have blockages in the kitchen and in the closet. Packs of cereals mixed with small household appliances, stacks of plates quarreling with towels, baking dishes crowded in the corners. If you want to transfer cereals from packs, prepare containers for this; if you want to sort clothes into drawers, make sure that there are enough of them and that they are free.
  4. If you periodically stumble upon some things from cleaning to cleaning, and you want to shove them away, this is a signal that it is high time to get rid of them. And from a blouse, you haven’t worn in two years. And from a cup with a chipped edge. And from a jar of cream that didn’t suit you, but “it’s a pity to throw it away.
  5. Try to avoid the temptation to free up more space in one place at the expense of another. Well, you know, when they dismantled the desk, fished out a stack of old magazines, and put them on the mezzanine in the closet. Get rid of the unnecessary, otherwise, the mess will simply migrate around the house, and not decrease.

Decluttering and Organizing

There are a lot of collections on the Internet with life hacks on how to organize the storage of things. Look through them, read a couple of articles – and among the many approaches, choose those ideas that resonate and interest you. Try. If, for example, you decide to organize everything according to the Marie Kondo system, do not rush to do everything at once according to the recommendations. Try the system in one area (such as a kitchen or storage closet), if you quickly get used to it and find it convenient and useful, continue. This is better than spending a lot of time and effort on a radical reorganization and realizing after a week that it does not suit you.

things that bring positive energy in home

Look at the usual arrangement of furniture. Maybe something can be changed or moved? About once a year I rearrange my desk. Changing his location recharges me, it becomes easier and more enjoyable to work. Think about what you have long wanted to change. Zoning a reading nook? Move the bed closer to the window. Expand sofa? Try it, see how it turns out, and don’t be afraid to make a mistake – this is your home, your lifestyle, and your rules. Even if “nobody does it like that”, but you want to, try it!


The most enjoyable and creative part. It may require small expenses, but not necessarily – if you decide that it is important to surround yourself with beauty every day, and not from time to time, those very “special” items that are carefully stored on distant shelves and are waiting for a “reason” will come to your aid. I’m talking about candles, beautiful tablecloths, bath bombs, or garlands that decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.

You can cover the table with a tablecloth not only on holidays but also on ordinary days – it is washed and ironed in the same way as our or children’s clothes.

  • Candles can be lit at dinner, which makes it more festive and cozy.
  • A bath bomb or a gifted body scrub is often sad on a bathroom shelf. Do not turn them into dust collectors, it is better to please the body with pleasant procedures.
  • The garland can be hung in the bedroom at the head of the bed, and in the evenings you can watch the flickering lights.
  • Bring your walls to life with a gallery of posters, paintings, and photographs.
  • Print photos that make you happy and frame them around the house.
  • Sort the books according to the color of the spines.
  • Eat from pretty dishes.
  • Use the best towels.
  • Refresh bed linen – choose the one you have been wanting for a long time.
  • Buy cut flowers. Option: dried flowers (I really love eucalyptus branches) or indoor plants.
  • Buy at least one table lamp or floor lamp for soft, diffused lighting.
  • Place a nice foot mat on the floor by the bed, or replace an old worn one.

Ugly facades in the kitchen or closet? They can be repainted. White enamel for radiators, for example, is odorless and fits perfectly. If this is a very bold idea, then you can buy beautiful ceramic pens and change the old ones.

Decluttering and Organizing

Most importantly, listen to yourself, not to trends. If you are attracted to Scandinavian interiors that are full of white and few items, look for opportunities to adapt these ideas in your apartment. If you like the abundance of little things, textures, and colors, do not follow the lead of the minimalists, equip your home the way you like it.

visit: Upcycling: Giving New Life to Old Items in Interior Design {2023}

Make friends with your inner esthete, surround yourself with beauty, and let your home become your place of strength and recharge your internal batteries. Sometimes even cleanliness after cleaning, a fresh breeze through an open window, an understanding that everything is in its place, and “permission” to use the best that you have in everyday life is enough for this. I checked.

FAQs of “Increase The Beauty Of Your House:

Q1: How long does it take to make my home beautiful and powerful?

It depends on how much you want to change and how big your home is. Some small changes can be done quickly, like rearranging furniture or cleaning up. But bigger changes, like painting or renovating, might take longer, maybe a few weeks or even months. It’s important to take your time and do things at a pace that works for you.

Q2: Can a small home be beautiful and powerful too?

Absolutely! The size of your home doesn’t matter when it comes to making it beautiful and powerful. Even small spaces can be cozy and amazing. You can use clever ideas like using storage wisely, letting in natural light, and making smart choices with colors and furniture to make your small space feel special.

Q3: What if I don’t have a lot of money to spend on making my home better?

No worries! You don’t need lots of money to make your home better. There are plenty of affordable options. Start by deciding what’s most important to you and focus on those things. Simple changes like painting a room, rearranging furniture, or adding some decorations can make a big difference. You can also try doing some do-it-yourself projects or find good deals at thrift stores or online.

Q4: Are there specific styles or themes that are better for making my home look nice?

There is no one right answer to this question. It all depends on what you like and what makes you feel good. Some people like modern styles, while others prefer a more traditional or colorful look. You can mix different styles or create your own unique style. The most important thing is that you choose what you love and what makes you happy.

Q5: How can I keep my home looking nice over time?

To keep your home looking nice, it’s important to take care of it regularly. Clean up messes, put things away where they belong, and try to keep things organized. Take good care of your furniture and follow any instructions for cleaning and maintenance. You can also update your home with small changes over time to keep things fresh and exciting. And most importantly, add your personal touch with things you love, like pictures or decorations, to make it feel like your own special place.

Nairobi Wilson