Improve Concentration

Inattention: How To Improve Concentration

How To Improve Concentration Forgetfulness is considered a modern problem. In an era of abundant information flow, it is difficult to focus on a specific object. The brain “does not have time” to analyze all the incoming information. As a result of intensive work, the brain “filters” the data and leaves the brightest events in memory. However, this does not always guarantee the need for “postponed” information.

The difficulty of focusing attention causes many problems that prevent a person from fully studying, working, and solving everyday issues. In the early stages of the development of deviations, the patient does not attach importance to what is happening, referring to fatigue. As the disorder progresses, it intensifies, and absent-mindedness develops into a serious problem.

To restore mental activity, a set of measures is used, one of which is drug therapy. For example, an attention-enhancing drug allows a person to concentrate on a specific task without being distracted by extraneous objects. This improves performance and increases the speed and efficiency of the assimilation of new information.


Absent-mindedness and inattention is a psychological disorder that does not allow a person to focus on a particular subject. Due to the disruption of the nervous system, the patient does not pay attention to details, forgets the plan for upcoming events, and misses important things.

Systematic “failures” in memory interfere with the full performance of work tasks, study, leading a life, and communication with the environment. Forgetfulness often leads to conflict situations due to misunderstandings of the parties.

The problem affects patients of all ages:

  1. Children. Memory and attention are needed to study the world around us, set up social connections, and master basic everyday skills.
  2. Adults. They are responsible for many tasks. Forgetfulness can lead to serious problems. Concentration and a good memory are especially important when working with high-precision equipment.
  3. Elderly people. With age, brain activity decreases. The patient is unable to concentrate on the simple things that are done daily. The most common problem is disorientation in space. A person forgets the way home, to the hospital, store, or another frequently visited object.
    Patients with impaired attention subsequently find it difficult to do without outside help.


Distracted attention is determined by the characteristic symptoms:

  1. Inability to focus on a specific task for a certain time. After a short period, there is a distraction to extraneous tasks. Upon returning to the original task, awareness of what is happening is lost. Have to start over.
  2. Forgetfulness. It manifests itself in different ways – missing an important meeting, and non-compliance with the agreement. During the period of study, the student forgets the necessary textbooks, loses notes, and cannot do his homework.
  3. Loss of personal and other people’s things. Items of clothing (hats, gloves), keys, bags, teaching materials, documents, and money. If you do not fight inattention, you can “earn” problems by building social bonds.
  4. Error tolerance. Initially, it manifests itself in typos when compiling educational, working material. Gradually develops into industrial, everyday erroneous actions. For example, incorrectly configured high-precision equipment leads to the production of defective products. In most cases, the deterioration in concentration has objective causes that are identified during medical diagnostics. Also, visit Unix Vs Linux.


Inattention is divided into three groups, the signs of which are united by the causes of occurrence:

  1. Absent-mindedness. It is characterized by a slight intensity of attention, frequent distraction from the main occupation. Because of the “fluttering attention” it is difficult for a person to focus. In most cases, the deviation develops due to the lack of appropriate work. An increase in concentration is developed by immersion in a certain field of activity and constant training.
  2. Difficulty in mental switching. A person has been engaged in a certain range of work for a long time, which has developed a certain habit in a sequence of actions. With a sharp transition to a new object, the brain “gives out” the previously established order. Improving concentration is possible by allocating time to “reboot” between disparate tasks.
  3. Overwork. Occurs when multitasking intensively with equal severity. As a result, employees develop persistent emotional burnout when they cause difficulties in perceiving ordinary things. This leads to gross professional errors. A similar situation occurs with students who are forced to memorize information in several subjects at the same time. The best therapy methods include ranking duties, creating a list of importance, drawing up a clear sequence of actions (what is the primary task, and what points can be shifted).

Often absent-mindedness develops on the rise, increasing the amount of forgotten information.

Distractedness and inattention

The Reasons:-

Weak development of the concentration of attention is caused by a number of provoking factors:

  1. Chronic fatigue. Overwork caused by a systematic lack of sleep, and heavy mental work, gradually reduces brain activity.
  2. Lack of motivation. If a person does not want to solve the problem, the subconscious mind will “cross out” unpleasant actions from memory by all means.
  3. Doing the same tasks every day. Some actions are carried out intuitively. For example, turning off the iron, closing the front door, and performing household tasks. However, any distraction knocks down the “autopilot” and a person unconsciously makes a mistake, which is accompanied by a forgotten turned-on iron, an open door, and lost things.
  4. Multitasking. The most common reason. Attempts to solve several disparate issues in parallel reduce the quality of each sector.
    Attention Deficit Syndrome. Psychological pathology that increases forgetfulness. Mostly seen in children.
  5. In the early stages of the development of a deviation, a person is not aware of the problem. Often the violation is fixed by others. If the patient consciously perceives the need to increase concentration, it is necessary to consult a doctor.



The therapeutic course is prescribed after identifying the cause of the disease. The more accurate the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment. Often used 6 proven methods:

  • Decrease in mental stress with an increase in rest time;
  • Reducing the number of concurrent tasks;
  • Exercises that increase concentration;
  • Changing the usual order of actions to minimize “autopilot” failures;
  • Interval training, work (the introduction of a break after each hour worked);
  • Taking medications (if other methods are ineffective).
  • A set of measures reduces the frequency of manifestation of signs of absent-mindedness, makes the patient more collected

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