Clean Upholstered Furniture

How to Clean Upholstered Furniture: 6 Tips & Tricks

Cozy and comfortable upholstered furniture often accumulates dust, which can cause allergies and other troubles. Do not add neatness to the room and stains from coffee, juice, or other snacks. Our simple cleaning hacks for the most common materials will help you easily care for your furniture, extend its lifespan, and keep colors vibrant.

Clean Upholstered Furniture

How to clean upholstered furniture depending on the upholstery fabric

Most often it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, but this method is not always effective. To prevent dust from flying around, wrap the vacuum cleaner brush with gauze soaked in water or saline (0.5 teaspoons of salt per 0.5 liters of water) and clean the surface. This versatile method is best used with every cleaning. It is suitable for most fabrics, but there are some differences.

  • Tapestry

This material is best cleaned in a dry way – in this case, it will definitely not lose its shape and color. And for a more thorough cleaning, use lukewarm water with soap or shampoo added. At the same time, it is necessary to apply foam to the upholstery, not water.

  • Flock

Such upholstery is considered the most practical. It can be cleaned with any means for upholstered furniture. It will not lose its saturation or form.

  • Microfiber

This fabric is quite delicate: you should not rub it too much or try to scratch a dried stain. Can be gently cleaned with a cloth soaked in shampoo or soapy water.

  • Plush and velvet

Such materials should not be cleaned with a hard brush, as it can damage the villi. To prevent this from happening, it is better to vacuum plush and velvet through damp gauze, and then wipe it with a damp cloth if necessary.

  • Velours

Furniture upholstered in this fabric is best cleaned in two steps. First, go over it with a medium-hard brush, and then wipe it with a cloth soaked in a solution of 1 teaspoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Velvet, plush, or velour, which has become wrinkled, can be lifted with steam or warm air.

  • Suede

This luxurious material is also quite practical and hardy. Suede can be brushed, and wiped with a damp (but not wet) cloth, including the use of special products for this fabric.

  • Genuine or artificial leather

These materials cannot be cleaned with water. From the first time, of course, nothing will happen, but then the surface may well crack or lose its luster. The best option for leather is to purchase special products for cleaning furniture made from this material. Also, a humidifier will not interfere, which prevents the surface from drying out and prolongs the service life.

How to remove a stain from a sofa or chair

It is better to remove local pollution as quickly as possible – it is much easier to do this than to deal with persistent old stains. Before using folk remedies or household chemicals, do a small test on an inconspicuous area or on a piece of cloth, if you have one. Here are some effective remedies to help remove stains from sofas and other upholstered furniture.

remove a stain from a sofa or chair

Stain Remover Soap

It is used to remove stains from decorative cosmetics, edible oil, blood, and other contaminants. Natural bile soap is suitable for all colors and fabrics, carpets, and upholstery.

Universal Sun Clean

Suitable for removing stains, cleaning and refreshing textile surfaces: upholstered furniture, car interiors, carpets. Cleaning foam with a convenient spray also lifts the villi well and gives the furniture a well-groomed look.

Ice Cube

They can clean upholstered furniture from candle wax, chewing gum, or chocolate. Simply apply an ice pack to the stain and then gently remove it. If there is a greasy wax stain on the surface, cover it with clean paper and iron it. Chocolate residue can be removed with soapy water, Sun Clean Foam, or Dr. Beckmann.

Vinegar solution

It removes unpleasant odors, for example, from spilled beer. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 0.5 liters of water and wipe the surface of the furniture. Pure vinegar will also help with fresh ballpoint pen or crayon stains.


If red wine is accidentally spilled on the upholstery, to remove the stain from the sofa, it must be immediately blotted with a clean cloth. Then sprinkle with salt and wait for it to absorb the rest. Then vacuum the surface.

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Hydrogen peroxide

This tool does an excellent job with blood stains, including outdated ones. To do this, apply the liquid to the stain with a sponge, wait until the product foams, and then wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth. When processing pollution, move the sponge from the edges to the center so as not to spread it to a large plane.


Q: How often should I clean my upholstered furniture?

A: It’s recommended to clean your upholstered furniture at least once every 6 to 12 months, depending on usage and the level of dirt or stains. However, if you have pets or small children, you may need to clean more frequently.

Q: Can I use water to clean my upholstered furniture?

A: It depends on the type of fabric. Some fabrics can be cleaned with water and mild detergent, while others may require dry cleaning. Be sure to check the care label on your furniture for specific instructions.

Q: How can I remove stains from my upholstered furniture?

A: The best method for removing stains depends on the type of stain and fabric. Some stains can be removed with a mixture of water and vinegar or baking soda, while others may require a specialized stain remover. Be sure to test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area first.

Q: Can I use a steam cleaner on my upholstered furniture?

A: Steam cleaning can be an effective way to deep clean upholstery, but not all fabrics can withstand high temperatures and moisture. Check the care label on your furniture and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using a steam cleaner.

Q: How can I prevent future stains on my upholstered furniture?

A: You can help prevent future stains by using fabric protectors, keeping food and drinks away from the furniture, and immediately cleaning up any spills or messes. Vacuuming your furniture regularly can also help remove dirt and debris before they become stains.

Q: Should I hire a professional to clean my upholstered furniture?

A: If your furniture has deep stains or is made from a delicate fabric, it may be best to hire a professional upholstery cleaner. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to safely and effectively clean your furniture.

Nairobi Wilson