Communicative Development of Children

Interesting Games For The Communicative Development of Children

In this article, we’ll explore the Most Interesting Games For The Communicative Development of Children. The ability to communicate allows you to meet people, make friends, and deal with conflicts. This skill is important for life in society, for study and work, so the child must be taught to communicate correctly. And games for the communicative development of children will help in this.

The communicative development of children is a crucial aspect of their overall growth and development. Parents and caregivers play a critical role in fostering the communicative development of children from an early age. Language acquisition and communicative development go hand in hand, and children learn to communicate through exposure to language and social interactions. The study of the communicative development of children has led to important insights into the cognitive and linguistic processes underlying language acquisition.

Communicative Development of Children

Early interventions can support and enhance the communicative development of children who experience delays or difficulties in language acquisition. Understanding the communicative development of children can help us identify and address potential language-related issues before they become more significant problems. Researchers have identified various stages of communicative development in children, ranging from prelinguistic communication to more advanced language use and discourse. The communicative development of children is influenced by various factors, including cultural, social, and environmental factors.

For Children 3-5 Years Old

The purpose of the games is to teach the child to communicate with other children, to cooperate, to ask, to thank, to develop arbitrary attention, to cultivate attention to others, the ability to reckon with them.

Tiger hunting

You will need a small toy tiger. Children should stand in a circle, the leader turns to the wall and counts to ten. Children at this time pass the toy. When the host finishes counting, the child who has the toy left clamps it in his fist and stretches his arms forward. So do others. The host must guess by face and emotions who has the tiger.

Magic algae

Children become in a circle, and one participant tries to break into the middle with the help of persuasion. But the children let him through only if he says a lot of polite words.


The leader becomes in the center and the children around. The leader shows different movements, and the children repeat them. Whoever makes a mistake is out.

Affectionate name

Children take turns calling each other affectionate names.


The host draws a squiggle with a felt-tip pen, and the children take turns continuing the drawing, trying to make something interesting and beautiful.


The host says: “Attention, the child is lost!” And describes one of the children in detail. And the other guys have to guess who it is.

All games require a minimum of four people.

  • Anxiety and how to deal with it
  • Any person can experience anxiety in connection with stress, and troubles.
  • But it happens that, it seems, there is nothing to worry about, but anxiety still torments me.

Fun Games for The Communicative Development of Children

games for communication skills for children's

Games teach to interact in pairs, coordinate actions, negotiate, and work in a group.


Children take turns placing blocks or other shapes to build a skyscraper. During construction, they discuss how best to place the cubes so that the skyscraper does not fall.

Live puzzle

You will need pictures of animals cut into four parts. Children are divided into groups, and each member of the group receives a piece of the picture. The group needs to put together a puzzle, that is, depict a part of the animal.


Children compliment the neighbor on the right, and so on in a circle. Then you can discuss the most successful and pleasant compliments.

Make a gift

Each child comes up with a gift and then tries to show with gestures and facial expressions what exactly he is going to give.

Blind and guide

One child is blindfolded, and the other leads him around the room, helps to avoid collisions, gives explanations of where everything is.


The host gives the child a secret: a bead, a brooch. He clenched his fist, while the other participants coaxed him into revealing his secret using different phrases, compliments, and polite constructions.


An adult offers children a certain situation, and they are looking for ways to solve it. For example, two boys had a fight, they need to be reconciled, or you found a weak kitten on the street, you need to feel sorry for him, or you lost your car, ask the people around if they saw it, or the baby is crying, you need to calm him down.

Educational activities for children should be carried out regularly. The more often he plays such games, the faster he will learn to communicate. And, of course, the child needs to spend more time with peers: in the garden, on the playground, in circles and sections. Joint activities will help to quickly establish contact.

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